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Full Circle with our Finances

Earning a living to care for ourselves and those we love is of great importance. The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom on applying effort, diligence, and prudence to achieve an increase. As Christians, it is also key to remember that nothing we earn, or own, is ultimately ours. We remind ourselves of this with a regular tithe of “first fruits,” but perhaps it’s important to remember that God’s provision goes beyond our regular income.

We should be reminded that all we have is truly a gift from God. That obviously includes our earnings, but also our homes, vehicles, investment accounts, and even family heirlooms. He allows us to temporarily possess these things, and we need to steward them in a way that fulfills our purpose. That ultimate purpose is to glorify Him. 1 Peter 4 reminds us in verse 10 : “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Imagine how beneficial it would be for us to take inventory of our current gifts and apply them all for the good of others and the glory of God. The above scripture reminds us that the grace of God abounds in many ways and that we are stewards of that grace. May we be mindful to share the gifts received from God to impact others and be a conduit for accomplishing His will.

Taylor Shouse, LPL

Financial Advisor

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